Sunday, April 11, 2010

Planting Lesson at St. Luke

We had a fun planting lesson with Sunday School this morning at St. Luke. Spencer Hammon muscled through tree roots, so we could find a few spots to place native and climate-friendly flowering plants. Yea! Kristofer and Niklas were the first student gardeners to arrive. Shortly after, Jennifer came with her mom, Lisa, who was a big help keeping things organized. Pastor brought over Isaac, Joe and Sam, and they all pitched right in. We had a lot of fun planting and spreading mulch. We commandeered another corner by the podocarpus tree, to plant the native iris. Kevin Hausner suggested we get more mulch and eventually rip out all the sod that is languishing under that tree, too. Maybe we can fit another planting lesson into the busy Sunday School schedule next month. Here are a couple more photos showing the handiwork of "God's Gardeners at St. Luke Sunday School"...

Flower bed under Chinese Pistache tree:

Flower bed by Podocarpus tree:

And, another shot of the crew:

We will be sure to keep an eye on our new plants, and water them when needed as they put down roots in our little garden. A big THANK YOU! to Nopalito Native Plant Nursery, Ventura California for contributing many of the plants. Antonio, Rick, and Kenji, you guys are the best!


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